Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Listen & Love: Artist Spotlight

Instead of my usual 5 song recommendation that I do in my Listen & Love series, this week I've decided to do something a little different. Instead I'm going to focus on one artist in particular and then recommend 5 of her songs in order to introduce you guys to some darrrrned good music.

This week my spotlight artist is Sarah Jarosz.

In all honesty, I completely fell across Sarah by accident. I had no idea who she was about 2 months ago, and then I stumbled upon her beautiful musical version of Edgar Allan Poe's "Annabel Lee" over on 8tracks and fell absolutely in love. Since then, I've pretty much listened to her every day and I've loved discovering so many more gems within her discography.

At the age of 23, Sarah is already on her third album, her first being released when she was just 18 (talk about major talent envy here). If you're into a bit of folk, modern bluegrass or Americana music then I can guarantee that you'll love her. If however you're a little new to this sort of music scene, I also think she has so many songs that regardless of your personal taste, you won't be able to resist loving. Her voice is too beautiful not to love.

With talent by the bucket-load and a voice that is completely irresistible, once you've listened to Sarah Jarosz you'll know exactly why I've chosen her to be my first spotlight artist.

Here are my 5 track recommendations:

  1. Annabelle Lee // Album: Follow Me Down
  2. Shankill Butchers // Album: Song Up In Her Head
  3. Build Me Up From Bones // Album: Build Me Up From Bones
  4. Tell Me True // Album: Song Up In Her Head
  5. Run Away // Album: Follow Me Down


  1. oooh thanks for the reccommendation! I love discovering new artists! id love it if youd comment back http://www.amyelizabethfashion.com/2014/08/verybeautytour-with-verycouk.html xx

  2. I am going to have a listen to these, lovely post

    Written with style

  3. Thank you! I hope you enjoy her music as much as I do! x
