Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Hello, September and Hello Autumn!

~disclaimer: none of the images in this post are my own, links to where I found them on pinterest will be under each image~
Oh me, oh myyyyy, is it September already?! They really weren't lying when they said the older you get, the quicker your life shoots by. I've always hated September. For as long as I can remember I've always dreaded the return to routine after six weeks of pure blissful nothingness. I hated how it was the only dead month left of the year (as I have an event in each month from after September) and because of that, it always draaaaagged.


As you all know, I'm now striving to be a positive little ball of happiness (wow, that sounds way more annoying written down than it did in my head) and I'm embracing everything that September has to offer. I'm thankful for those September days where the sun is shining high up in the sky but it's not really hot, and I can just about get away with wearing a jumper over my dress without wearing tights. I can go to some of my favourite places that are always packed in summer and find that no one else is there because everyone has gone back to school and I don't go back to university until the end of the month. The days are the perfect length in September don't you think? The sun rises not too early, but not too late that you're leaving in the morning in the dark. And at night, you can still enjoy an evening walk, but get to see the sunset at a reasonable hour! And of course, September is the first official month of Autumn and I've never met anyone who doesn't like the burnt orange cosiness that Autumn brings. So all in all, September really isn't the miserable month I have always seen it as. It's a much misunderstood, warm, cosy, tea-and-jumper-filled month. And I'm going to embrace it.

Are you excited for Autumn? Enjoy your last moments of summer before school starts up again, I know I will be doing! I'm off to Devon in my last week of freedom and I'll be posting about it an awful lot, so expect that from this weekend onwards! Sending you all love and cosy hugs!

1 comment:

  1. your blog is so pretty! love it :) id love it if youd comment back http://www.amyelizabethfashion.com/2014/09/gluten-free-treats-with-udis.html xx
