Thursday, 20 March 2014

Unusual creative writing tasks and a night of well-earned relaxation

Creative writing is one of the things I love the most about my course. I'm so glad I had to guts to sign onto the module, even though the thought of having a class full of people discuss my work was terrifying I thought as I want to be a novelist in the future, it would be invaluable.

Today was the first week we'd focused on Prose (since the start of the semester we've been writing poetry) and today's task was pretty out of the ordinary. We were expecting our usual workshop format of talking about writing and reasons behind it, then discussing each other's work.. But oh no, not today! My seminar tutor is wonderfully eccentric and so decided that perhaps it would be better if we all grabbed our coats and ventured out into the windy/rainy streets up to a park about 5 minutes away. When we arrived she told us to find someone we thought looked interesting for whatever reason, sit somewhere and write about them in detail without them noticing, and to try not to get into trouble for stalker behaviour. Just your average lesson then really! The task was actually really fun and I ended up writing about an intriguing woman in a painting of the park's museum (we were allowed to write about any kind of "character" so a painting was acceptable) and I found it so so useful and eye-opening. These abstract lessons are definitely one of the perks of studying something as subjective as English.

So as you can imagine after being battered by rain and practically swept off my feet with the wind, I'm pretty glad to be back in my room with my book and a big cup of strawberry and raspberry tea, ready for an early night.

I am heading off to visit my best friend/brother tomorrow evening and won't be back 'til Sunday when I'll do a post talking about everything we get up to in another one of my favourite cities! So until then, I hope you've had a beautiful day.

All my love,


  1. Hey, how is the book? :)

    1. Hello! It's great, I'm really really enjoying it. I wasn't sure it could top the first in the series but I was pleasantly surprised. I would definitely recommend it for anyone who wants a little bit of lighter reading! :-D
