Sunday, 19 October 2014

What's In My Bag?

- University Edition - 

(From top right corner, moving clock-wise)

Bag // This little beauty is a Fat Face gem that I found at the start of term. It's sturdy, it's cute and it's so bloody practical. 10/10 from me!

Rebel Angels by Libba Bray // The Second in the Gemma Doyle trilogy and the third book in my Booktober which I'll be writing about at the end of the month. Who doesn't love a good YA fantasy novel to finish the day? Plus, waiting between lectures is suddenly MUCH more interesting. Every good book worm will always have a book on them for those dull moments in the day.

Phone // I'd be lying if I said I could live without my phone. Every since investing in this beauty in summer (and also investing in the cutest case EVER, I mean, Alice  IN a Van Gogh painting. Can it get any better!?) it hasn't let me down. 

A4 Notebook // Sort of like a student's bread and butter. The thought of going to a lecture or a seminar without this notebook fills me with terror. I couldn't cope without some good old-fashioned hand written notes to refer to at the end of the academic day.

Travel Mug // I actually have two of these, this one and one my parents bought me. I tend to chop and change between the two (pretty much because if I haven't done yesterday's washing up, I can still have a clean travel mug to stick my morning green tea in). I'm a big sleeper, so in the morning I don't usually have time to sit down with a mug of tea.  Instead I stick it in this and drink it en route to uni. 

Purse // This adorable purse was a panic buy from Accessorize back in Easter when I thought my bag and all of it's contents had been stolen. I got my bag back in the end but I'd completely attached myself to this little purse that it goes everywhere with me now.

The (Dreaded) Norton Anthology // The bane of my life (and probably the sole reason for my inevitable back problems when I'm older). This beauty comes in six volumes. This one is the one I'm using at the minute for my Renaissance module and typically, it's one of the biggest ones. At the end of each day, my exhaustion levels are through the roof. Who needs a gym membership when you have to walk two miles every day (one of which is up a bloody great big hill) with this thing in your bag?!

Pencil Case // Weirdly enough,  I'm in the minority by owning and using a pencil case at uni. Everyone else just seems to pull a random pen out of their bag and be done with it.  I, however, have a Mary Poppins bag and if I dropped a pen in there, the chances of me ever finding it again would be slim to none. 

How's school/college/university/work been going for you guys? As you can tell from my infrequency of posting, I'm finding the step from first year to second year pretty tough, work-load wise so it's taking me a bit of time to adjust! I will be back very soon with some life updates!

Until then,
lots of love,

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